14 01, 2025

What is ADHD ?

2025-01-14T15:51:07+11:00January 14th, 2025|Categories: Assessments and Testing, Child and Adolescent, News, Useful info and Links|Tags: , , |

What is ADHD? “What is ADHD?” is a question I’m frequently asked, and while it seems straightforward, the reality is far more complex. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects people in different ways depending on factors like gender, age, and individual circumstances - even within the same family. Although we have come a long [...]

16 08, 2024

Virtual Reality VR Therapy

2024-09-10T11:56:57+10:00August 16th, 2024|Categories: Child and Adolescent, Mental Health, News, Treatments, Useful info and Links|Tags: |

Virtual Reality in Therapy - VR Therapy We are excited to offer VR virtual reality therapy to tackle fears and address a range of psychological problems, and to have virtual reality in our psychology practice.  VR, or virtual reality therapy is a fantastic tool that we enjoy using with clients who present with a wide [...]

24 07, 2024

Is your child lying? Should you be worried?

2024-09-10T18:43:43+10:00July 24th, 2024|Categories: Child and Adolescent, Mental Health, News|Tags: , , , |

Dr Carol Newall, one of Mindworx Psychology's Clinical Psychologists, with her colleague Penny Van Bergen recently had an article published in the Conversation about children and lying. Is telling tall tales all part of childhood - or is all lying wrong? Should you punish your child if you discover they have been a liar? Have [...]

5 07, 2024

Are family traditions the glue of strong families?

2024-09-10T12:38:40+10:00July 5th, 2024|Categories: Child and Adolescent, News|Tags: , , |

Shared traditions and experiences are often part of the glue of strong families, creating positive memories and warm emotional experiences that can last more than a lifetime. These are the stories, beliefs, rituals and customs that are passed from one generation to the next. Research shows that traditions can foster a sense of belonging, and [...]

22 05, 2024

Our Mindworx Psychology story – innovation and excellence in Psychology

2024-09-10T11:58:40+10:00May 22nd, 2024|Categories: Blog, News|Tags: |

Mindworx Psychology began as the Private Practice of Dr Amanda Mullin in April 2014 in Glenhaven at the Knightsbridge Shopping Centre. A word of mouth reputation grew the practice quickly, leading to the creation and opening of Mindworx Psychology in Norwest Business Park in August that year.  In September 2015 we expanded further, opening our [...]

19 05, 2024

8 Ways You Sabotage Yourself

2024-09-10T12:19:48+10:00May 19th, 2024|Categories: News, Self-Help, Useful info and Links|Tags: , , |

Sometimes it can feel that either the Universe or other people are out to get you. Interestingly, the greatest enemy you’ll ever face is staring back at you in the mirror. Self sabotage... It knows all your tricks and how to push your buttons. You sabotage yourself in ways you’ve never imagined. Consider these ways [...]

10 01, 2024

Clinical Psychologist working with children and adults

2024-09-10T13:03:12+10:00January 10th, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

We are delighted to welcome Belinda Sun, a Clinical Psychologist with many years of experience. Belinda's career spans across private practice, private hospital consulting and working with Headspace, one of Australia’s leading mental health organisations. Belinda provides psychological assessments, counselling and therapy to children, adolescents, adults, and their families. She is experienced in the assessment, [...]

28 11, 2023

Conscious control of your unconscious is closer than you think

2024-09-10T18:41:13+10:00November 28th, 2023|Categories: Mental Health, News, Performance Coaching, Treatments|Tags: , , |

The power of feelings and emotions to shape us is incredible. Sometimes, my clients make the mistake of thinking that thoughts and feelings are facts or truths. From my perspective, although they may be powerful, they are simply information feeding our systems, at a conscious and unconscious level. As many of my clients know, I [...]

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